Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why you need life insurance

Death is uncertain and nobody can and will be able to fathom the depth of life’s start and end. It can be slow, like those who suffer untreatable diseases but others too are taken without any warning. One time you are breathing, in a second, a skip in your hearts’ beat can take you away. This is very painful and can affect all the aspects of a family member’s life. Much so when the one who died is the one who works long hours just to provide the necessary things pertaining to food, shelter, clothing and education. A death can drop like a bomb and leaves a big crater.

Death is sometimes a word often avoided by us. But if you are wise, it’s better to be prepared than to leave those who are dependent on you helpless. With this comes the usefulness of life insurances. Life insurance is a topic less discussed by a family. But through experiences and lessons got from others, life insurance can give you the assurance that you family can continue to leave without you. Even if you are not already living, your presence and legacy can continue. It will not only give you peace of mind but also a promising opportunity for your beneficiaries.

There are many benefits of having life insurance. But to be able to understand them well, discussing the life insurances’ true meaning will guide the reader for further information. Life insurance works like a piggy bank where you can save your money while you are living and earning. In case you meet a premature death, then your loved one can break the piggy bank and get its content. Well, the bulk of the money can actually exceed the capacity of a normal piggy bank but all the same the idea is runs the same. With the help of an insurance company, you can choose from the many plans that are offered. You pick the one that suits your income, lifestyle and family needs. Then you are required to pay an agreed sum of money monthly or in any period laid down by the rules of the company. After that, you write down the name or names of your beneficiary. As long as you’ve been paying at the time of your death, the amount determined by the period you have given your share will be given directly to your beneficiary.

There are ample advantages of having life insurance. First, as mentioned, it can prepare you and your family for the worst moments. A funeral on the first place can already drain a family savings. How about tuition fees and other bills? Secondly, life insurance can also protect your business or can be given as a charitable gift. There are life insurances that offer these features. Thirdly, life insurances (especially on reliable private insurance companies) can be given almost immediately after the death so this eases the burden for the bereaved.

To be able to pick the precise one, you need to consult your spouse and even the whole family. Although it may not be a good topic to be discussed over the table, letting them understand the benefits it can give will help them realize that life insurance is already a necessity and merely an option.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this useful article that truly defines the need and usage of a life insurance policy. Besides the death benefit life insurance policy serve many more other purposes too.
    commercial insurance quotes
